Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Buck Bunny Encounters the OSSLT

Earlier today, I was invited to prepare a short motivational talk for grade 10 students who are about to undertake the grade 10 literacy test also known as the OSSLT. Given such a responsibility (or should I say, opportunity?), what advice would you share?

Knowing that the students have already undergone numerous literacy lessons, practice questions, and other test preparation activities, I found myself reluctant to provide a list of tips for success. In the end I decided to make a short video to highlight some of the realities of the test. My hope is to bring a little bit of levity to a high stakes assessment experience, that seems to be wearing on teachers and students alike.

By leveraging Creative Commons content produced by the Peach open movie project, I created a metaphor that I hope will resonate with my audience. The characters in my version include: grade ten students, who are represented by Big Buck Bunny; the challenges within the test booklets, played by three furry trouble-makers; and the end goal, graduation, which appears as the purple butterfly.

If you choose to play this video publicly, please allow the credits to run through in their entirety, in accordance with the assigned Creative Commons license.
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